An Easy Way to Create a Blog on Blogger

Creating a Blog, or commonly called Blogging has its ownpleasure. In contrast to social networks like facebook, twiter, and others that provide features like chat, status updates, location,and others that have been set by the provider can be changed without further tweaking in the script, while Blogging has features that can be adjusted up to script level. Simply put a blogcan be a diary, an online store and others. Even his own socialmedia such as FB and twiter can be incorporated into the blog.

For example, this page itself is a blog, and I can changeappearance as you wish. Interesting is not it?

Okay we wrote direct to the point, that is how the heck do I createa Blog?

First, sit a sweet, have a glass of hot coffee with a little bit of sugar (I'll keep eye literate), wow this really so awesome ...peace!

Second, go to Blogger ...

then came the following page
if you already have a google account, like gmail, you can use tolog in, if not select "sign up for new account"

Next, select a new blog to create a new Blog ....

fill in the blog title, blog name and select a template / model viewof blogs in the boxes below .... create a blog ..

Yups, now your blog is so, select the start post to include the contents of the blog ...

how to fill it like this ...

after completion of editing your post, publish. holaa ... this is thefirst blog post.

how, easy is not it .... please at try it, good luck

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